Pyramid Philosophical

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Small Bites: 100 - 199

100. - 

101. The concept of death. The functioning body is simply a method of keeping the brain in a mode for learning. To acquire information. To sift important information from irrelevant stuff. In the computer analogy, there is the OS that maintains the machine. The basal metabolic rate. A functioning, living entity. This could be compared to someone asleep. Not learning. Not acquiring information or experience. When a program is running, information is being manipulated. The quality of the information gained very much depends on the information to start with. Crap in-crap out. Good information has the potential to get better as long as it's not distorted. The computer analogy breaks down here. The same program in an identical computer will produce an identical result. It's the principle of software debugging. People are different. Experiences are unique. No two people can be equivalent. Even identical twins brought up the same way will be very different from each other. Like playing a downloaded video: if the speed of download exceeds the rate of playback reality makes sense and the video plays correctly. If the playback/download are mismatched with the download being too slow it stops to catch up. Is the playback too fast or the download too slow? Which is it? If the download speed (light) is correct, then the playback must be slowed down. Could this be detected? Otherwise if the download speed is constant then a too-fast playback will cause compression and stalling. Consider here the curved space/straight line scenario that by tunnelling would allow the mismatch to be corrected by catch-up. Whatever appears to be right produces the illusion, which becomes the limiting factor. To proceed must reject this limiting thinking.

102. It is always assumed any
'life' must be similar to Human so any 'hostile' environment will not support life - as we know it.

103. Religion and faith. Most Earth inhabitants faithfully show complete subservience to the idea of a god, but reject absolutely the concept of an alien (extraterrestrial). Would not even consider it. Some would even kill to defend the faith. Take the phrase 'defender of the faith'. Shows how (nearly)completely successful they've been in hiding their presence. They are so successful that this 'faith' in fiction and fairies leads to actual denial without reason even the possibility of extraterrestrial life per se, let alone it being already on Earth.

104. The more we focus on the minutiae, that level of detail we are in danger of missing the bigger picture. This needs careful balance.

105. Have you ever noticed that when you read a book or especially watch a film how engrossed you become. Sucked-in to a different reality. The situation becomes real. The people come alive. It is almost impossible to remain detached. Life is like this. The illusion of reality. What is real? What is imagined? Where are you? You could not perceive the truth. You would never accept it. You could not handle the truth. The actual reality. How do you imagine that the landings on the Moon could ever have been
hoaxed without total control? The way religion has Mankind totally controlled? The concept of religion - what a trick! And based on reality. You accept the illusion, but reject the reality. Incredible.

106. Two ways of viewing this: life evolved as it is as a direct reaction to the environment or the environment was created to nurture life as it is designed. Both arguments can be put forward.

107. If Earth rotation is faster (shorter day) would perception of time be different? That is, it had always been different and not just a change. Would life-span be different? Would we have evolved in a shorter day?

108. The
'future' development of humankind would not be predicted, it would be seen. Existing in our future would allow looking back in time to see how things are going. No actual time delay of any real significance, just moving around/playing inside dimensions. Billions of years are literally just moments. Depends on your point of view!

109. A fact will be fact even though it may not have been discovered.

110. The brain has an inherent potential for knowledge and an ability to perform. One hundred years ago, the knowledge of Man was a great deal less than today. The average intelligence is far greater. The knowledge base is considerably more extensive, so the starting place is further forward. The human brain has not evolved much in the last
100 years. There is no upper limit to this potential. Over the last 400 years (Newton, Galileo and onwards) no change is necessary for the starting evolution, just the quality of that starting information.

111. To be is to exist. To have consciousness. What a bizarre concept is death then? To be dead. To be in a state of

112. -

113. Abortion of a newly formed foetus: when does spirit enter the body? Denies life.

114. Can a child be coached to be
'brilliant' or is a child potentially bright naturally and this is then simply nurtured?

115. Opinions are started elsewhere. They are rarely those of the speaker. They are formulated by opinion leaders as in newspapers. The views of others. This is how thinking is controlled. Manipulated.

116. The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion draws all the necessary things to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, these it either neglects and despises... in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former conclusions may remain inviolate. The first opinion is it should never be changed. Or change opinion in the light of new information. Does not reject or ignore, but constantly reviews. Thinks differently.

117. Don't get hung up on trying to conceive sizes and distances. It is not possible to do this. You need something to compare it to in your reality. There is nothing. Forget it. Just concentrate on the isolated entity. A holistic view is only realistic when you can see the whole picture. The brain does have its limits. Conceiving stellar distances is too much for it.

118. Think of the fractal image. Homing in on one feature reveals the complexity of the original. Magnified. Start again. Magnified and on it goes. Just like the universe. Remember though that
'uni' does imply only one. This is very limited thinking.

119. Spirit installed into maturing foetus: at birth
(baby human) or earlier (human foetus)? Apparent movement in womb is reflex action, not spirit consciousness. The moment of birth is the time. Stillborn baby has no spirit. Quite deliberate where and into what environment. Later, but very early death is the result of nothing to still learn. The experience in this dimension is complete.

120. We are moulded by all our experiences. Even the dreams we cannot consciously recall. The subconscious does not forget. Change in behaviour can occur without knowing the reason. Events happen that shock and are remembered. Sometimes they are
'forgotten' as the mind can block out certain painful memories. Regression therapy demonstrates this and can bring these memories back, yet we can still not consciously be aware of them, but are they regression of forgotten memories or newly created ones and believed to be truly earlier ones? Could implant beliefs this way.

121. The spirit that inhabits the body during
'life' learns a part that is fed back to the whole. Experiences of each is unique and contributes to the sum of knowledge.

122. Higher brain function (reasoning) reflects intelligence. Actions without thinking show limited intelligence.

123. All images of
'reality' are created in the brain whatever distortion to actuality may occur. There is no way to confirm that what we 'see' actually exists. It can be a total illusion and we'd not know. We couldn't detect it. It opens up many possibilities about our Universe and what is there or not. If the total human experience is a melding of individual fragments of this total, it could be that we all 'see' the same composite illusion. Space-time reality is shared.

124. The coin that holds the ethos that the child is the target in war has another side. The child to be destroyed or the child to be saved?
Eugenics (selective breeding) is underway again. Depending on which bloodline survives and dies out determines the development of the species. This assumes no species change occurs. This cannot be considered as evolution. Evolution should be considered natural. Eugenics is by conscious direction.

125. Reincarnation? In the sense of a new experiment?

126. Clouds are like fat: no internal structure. No strength and will easily collapse under the smallest force.

127. Scenario: someone saves another from certain death. The one who dies is much older and has two children, one male and one female. The genes of this man will continue through his children. The young boy who was saved will have children. His genes are preserved into the next generation. It could even be possible that the offspring of each totally unconnected line comes together and have children. The one who eventually saves the world. It could simply be that through survival, the boy becomes the man who breaks through into discovering a way to save mankind. The good will triumph over selfish and unworthy beings. Biblical.

128. While
'alive' and aware of the physical self, the ego, when the loss of a limb occurs, awareness remains where the limb used to be. True spiritual existence has no awareness of a physical body. It does not exist. There can be no awareness. The 'being' is energy without recognisable form. The physical form that appears to exist in life is such that interaction with other beings happens on Earth. Legs etc are necessary for locomotion. Every facet of the complex life support system is no longer necessary for an existence off Earth.

129. The cause of intense pain is to motivate an individual to be careful. Very careful. A slight discomfort only indicates something is wrong, not that severe consequences are at stake.

130. The concept of thought. What is thought? Or an idea? Certainly not tangible like the brain that created it. Or spirituality. Telepathy.

131. At what stage does the
'spirit' enter the developing foetus. A long time before birth it enters the growing physical body to be present a birth. The genetic nature, defects or not, are already present. The spirit will inhabit this body to learn about existence in such a form to report the total experience. An experiment designed to reduce such problems. To fight the 'dark side'. Those who seek to control.

132. Look forward to release at
'death' is not the end of living, but releasing the growth of the spirit to evolving. The spirit is tied to the body during life. As the body ages the spirit grows. The body dies and the spirit is released to grow elsewhere in a future incarnation. In another world. A new template from the genome. Somewhere else in the universe. On a new stage in the one theatre of life?

133. Imagine a composite
3D image made up of two parts. Each part describes a unique perspective which fails to reveal the true image. Together something else appears. Maybe quite a different picture, which although cannot be explained in terms of the parts, still exists. Or appears to from our viewpoint. Consequently, probabilities rule over the whole domain. Probabilities are a human concept and this seems to explain many things that do not have certainty.

'Spirit' located in the brain or somewhere. Not physical. Integral. Host is brain. On 'death' of host, spirit is released. Neither consciousness or awareness. Death appears to be just that until relocation. The conscious mind seems very large: the apparent imagination. It's limitless. And when free from host is reunited with the 'mother' spirit. The whole.

135. New thoughts arrive and are not prevented by conscious memory.

136. It's very irritating that
'scientists' ridicule the concept of aliens and UFOs as though scientists are the only ones that think. Scientists do not own any special rights to 'the right way' of thinking. And it's bizarre (and paradoxical) that scientific thinking is so closed-minded. Totally unscientific, in fact.

137. Perceived linear time takes the form of past, present and future. The brain is not organised like that. Or at least the perception of time. If it were a memory that originated many years ago would take a long time to reach. It is instant. Imaginings and reality have a different perception. That's all. Pain is an artefact of reality. Cannot physically feel pain by thinking about it. Such is perception. It is necessary to experience pain to
'feel' it's presence in a dream state. The instant arrival by thought at a 'past' time is the basis of travel. The brain is the key. Warping the fabric of space to instantly be elsewhere. Linear movement is the illusion of our 'reality': 3D perception.

138. The feeling during sex in becoming one. The climax to reach a common point. Unreachable, but the attempt is absolute. The fusion of two symbolic genomes. Creation of a new entity, its foundation being seeded in separateness.

139. The
'edge of the universe'. So, what's beyond that?

140. If all the things are possible to do that we speculate then it is more than just likely that another intelligence has already done them. Time travel like we use is a
'bicycle'. If advancements of the last 100 years are genuine, then over 100,000 years..?

141. Associate high frequency with lightness and heavy with bass frequencies.

142. The extension of life is the wrong angle. The body must die for the spirit to develop.

143. The similarity of thought and brain structure to travel: instant flit between thoughts that are totally unconnected. The one does not necessarily lead on to another. Illogically, it is allowed. The
3D concept of the brain is wrong. Totally wrong.

144. -
e combination has many solutions and the variety is good/bad dependent on outlook.

145. Emulation of
'magic' is where the concept of illusion comes from. Occult suggests supernatural and black magic. Esoteric and mysticysm. Alien powers (human appearance is the illusion) are not possible.

146. The mental and spiritual part is created over a very long period regardless of any potential. The eventual character is not determined in an instant. Is IQ genetic? This is only one feature of intelligence. There are many abilities. Not all physical skills require great intelligence. An intelligent individual doesn't confer any particular skill.The male is still required.

147. If an equation cannot be derived does it make something not possible? If something exists then it can exist without the equation that describes it.

148. The paradox of returning to alter the future: this is explicable. Parallel universe in the same time continuum, but moving away (somewhere). If I returned to an earlier time and killed my mother before I was born how can I exist? This involves altering the outcome of events. But I exist in the future from this point. Simply an alternative pathway that didn't involve me. If I had survived there would be two of me with different histories. Co-exist and separate. No connectivity whatsoever. Spiritual or any other way. Totally separate. If the universes were to move close to each other (possible, but highly improbable) then an effect may be experienced. It could not be explained. By altering the past and influencing the future, this creates a new pathway which is seamless.

149. Sex is life, not an accessory to enjoy life. The entire life cycle begins with life. Simple fact of life.

150. Human condition imposes boundaries. Time issue again with past (start), present (continuation) and future (proposed outcome). Everything must have a beginning. It follows the logic of the limited human perception. But the clues are there if you can see them: true visualisation takes you along a conscious and logical pathway. The start, continuation and end. The conscious mind has to be involved. But paradoxically, the logical concept of time creates boundaries and is the primary constraint to thinking. Consider imagining the beginning of a memory that involves a journey. You can instantly reach the end or any part of the path. Jump there. This could be like accessing
'random access memory' on a hard drive. Spherical architecture or an instant appearance somewhere else. What enables memory to access memory in an instant? Cannot imagine outside experience like unable to conceive front and back simultaneously or the wire (Necker) cube. Two images concurrently.

151. Dreams are usually not recalled and demonstrates that non-conscious
'control' takes place in a part of the brain not accessed by the usual route. Effect is like 'poor memory'. Dreams are remembered, but not consciously. Once something happens it cannot be undone. Fragments of dreams can be visualised like normal memories and shows the connection. The whole dream cannot be recalled as in conscious control. Conscious awareness is missing. The dream memory affects the consciousness in a subconscious way just as normal memory does, but this is simply not understood for what it is. What controls? What is responsible for controlling the 'dream'? Behaviour can be affected by memories. These can be implanted by 'dreams' as though a memory is of an actual experience. It may be something that never happened, but is believed to have happened. Impossible to discriminate between reality and illusion.

152. To self decide when life should end (no physical reason) is wrong and counter the learning from experience ethic to go onwards.
'Reincarnation' of spirit into new vehicle. Demonstrates that there is a lot to learn.

153. There is no such thing as innate
"human nature", only citizens internalising external moral codes: being influenced. It is also a view held by many Marxists who believe we are merely products of the ideologies of the dominant class.

154. The paradox is that learning is improved by chasing the concept of survival yet hindering it at the same time by preventing evolution. We are still trapped on prison Earth. The way ideas move forward will allow an ageing body to create a new life.
The potential for the offspring to be 'infected' with faulty genes (genetically altered or simply inherited) is present. IVF (or some other unnatural form of forcing pregnancy) happens now. Potential to introduce extraterrestrial genes. Do we own them already in the genomic template and just don't know what they are?

155. The imagination is connected to understanding and the perception of
'fact'. Much of the science of space is speculated and little is proven to be fact. However, what has been accepted as reality stimulates the imagination. Occasionally, 'vision' does suggest this to be incorrect, but generally it seems to be accurate.

156. Your concept of past, present and future doesn't happen. It is all now. Your present. By moving within dimensions, the intra-dimensional or between dimensions, the inter-dimensional, I can still be in my now that is a different now for you. Your past as you would call it. To move forwards to a now that doesn't exist, your future, is not possible. If I move to a very distant past or more recent past this does define a future by returning to your now? It's all as confusing as relativity theories and light-speed travel. The effects of time for intra-dimensional movement. Time will appear to change since I can be somewhere else in the next moment of my now. A great distance change in no time. The illusion is of time slowing down where actually I have only moved my position, not travelled, a great distance in no time at all. Like walking through the doorway into a different room. A very different place with a very slight movement.

157. For whatever reason, slow and carefully considered ideas are like travelling slowly. Much more is observed that could easily be overlooked by trying to get somewhere quickly. It's just another aspect, or symptom, of the
inverted pyramid.

158. Thinking in a different way, a new mindset, is similar to living in a country that has a different language. As it is learned, the new language becomes established as the
'norm'. It's conditioning in another sense and becoming used to new concepts and paradigm shifts. New thinking is then an established mentality.

159. An idea is
'liked' and becomes accepted and the liked idea is expanded and becomes more established. Eventually it becomes dogma that cannot or will not be changed. When observations don't fit, then rather than rejecting the established hypothesis that is possibly wrong, forced fitting occurs by distorting and massaging a wrong thesis to make the new observations fit. It's bad science.

160. The parallel between the computer and human (or any other animal) is an interesting one. The intelligence, sentience or consciousness is a different concept. The computer maybe capable of sophisticated action but it does not think for itself. The human could be described as a biological
'computer' to give it a label though it has sophistication that dispels any sensible parallel. Decision making is key, so there do remain common factors: senses and decision making. The program can be extended through experience. Learning. Artificial Intelligence: what is artificial about humans?

161. Some things are just accepted. Like
2+2=4. Why? How can you know if this is right? 2+2 maybe 5. In base 2 (binary) something is either on or off. Nothing else. Not more off than on or more on than off? Already you get into difficulties. Then you have base 16 (hexadecimal) and you don't even have the numbers to represent it. Use letters A, B, C, D, E and F. That is actually a better idea, but nowhere near reality. You are unable to visualise the concept of an infinite number between states. So, you can't deal with it. Theoretically, like (a2+b2...)^0.5 can work, but it cannot be visualised to conceive the reality. Think of left/right brain hemispheres. For humans this is a mixture of both with a dominance of one to a certain arbitrary amount. You consider this as quadrants so even each half has a dominant region. It doesn't matter. It is an overall dominance like the hybrid vector. Not any one exclusively, but a mixture of each to produce the composite. The concept of dimensions is similar. The concept. The human brain is not capable of this multidimensional thinking as it is. It needs adaptation.

Mind Maps and thinking non-sequentially/non-linearly. To think in straight lines is very restrictive. To think spherically is better and to think in more dimensional ways is non-limiting. You don't need to go from one floor to the next to reach the top of a tower block. You use a lift to go directly there without stopping at every floor. You may go by underground train to your destination. The route is immaterial as long as you get to where you want to go. Forget your concept of time and how long things take to happen. If you are moving around within and between different dimensions the idea of time becomes meaningless.

163. Religion challenges freedom of thought. So it is rejected. Can still be a decent person and in many ways an even better person to one influenced by their religion. Look at the wars, conflicts and death that result from this. You must think bigger and mentally get off your prison Earth before you can ever physically get off it. Note the quote:

"We cannot trust some people who are nonconformists"

Ray Kroc (dec), Chairman McDonald's Corp.

164. Past life experience: it would be in your present in another dimension. You couldn't know since you live there and at that time. There is no present other than now and the past/future is relative to that now. You are in the present regardless of where you were. What about memories that are carried into the new dimension? They cannot exist in your current dimension and it is as though they never were. You would simply have no awareness of them.

165. Death is for a very long time unless you accept the possibility of reincarnation, building on your present life experiences, but in another physical (and new) body. Or maybe another life in a different dimension. Either way you will never remember earlier experiences. You may be aware by sensing something. A
'feeling' of intuition, but you can never know. Mixing experiences from different dimensions is impossible. The one cannot see the other.

166. Conscience is within the domain of consciousness itself and is a characteristic of sentience. Awareness. Humans that do not appear to possess a conscience are not in receipt of any higher mental powers. A deficiency (of something non-physical) in the brain. Science
needs to identify an area responsible for every function. The overall functioning of lesser intellectual areas that do not require any thought input are easy to find. The areas that deal with more complex thoughts and decisions are less easy and some very subtle concepts like the 'guilty conscience' or 'reward' do not actually exist. They are a spin-off from other areas and not places of their own. This gives individuality and confers humanity as a characteristic.

167. Characteristic differences: good guy takes responsibility for self. The difference encapsulated between selfish and selfless.

168. Sum of individuals' knowledge is like a grain of sand on the beach. Collectively, it is the beach. The
'hive' concept is the pool of accumulated knowledge. The advent of intelligence in 'modern man' (the last 40,000 - 50,000 years) is the result of the latest genetic adaptation. 'Smart' man suddenly appeared.

169. All humans, whether consciously or even unaware of it, want to know about their being. Be it to exist on Earth specifically or more mundane questions, it still amounts to the same principle, just some deeper than others. A general unfounded and unquestioning belief in a god provides an answer and such questions for many are then rendered redundant. It is part of the human condition to at least ask the question.

170. So preoccupied with laws of the universe and arrogance denies even considering that such
'laws' cannot be described in terms of crude mathematical models. Wrong.

171. Sentience and ego are partners. The often over-inflated awareness of self.

172. Do atomic particles (protons, electrons etc) once formed exist forever? Allegedly,
13.7 billion years. Or maybe deteriorate into something else or perhaps regenerated? Possibly like a cloud vaporising or forming (condensed water). Or the water: a substance that exists forever and cannot be destroyed, except by splitting the molecule. Even then more molecules are produced and these may be the (original) source of the water. True recycling.

173. There is no such thing as a new invention. The illusion covers the fact that this is just the discovery of how to exploit some physical phenomenon. The atomic bomb utilises properties of atoms that have existed since time began. It is only the knowledge of how make a bomb that could be considered new. The exploitation of physical properties.

174. The single theory exists, but so much is
wrong that the answer cannot be understood. Yet it exists. We are here, but we do not understand much. Similar about 'religion' and truth. So much is rant and attempts at control that it doesn't work or make sense. Any inconsistency immediately reveals a flaw.

175. The 'Creator' has been away and 'Satan' has prevailed in his absence. Powerful compared to 'Humans', but minor by true comparison. The return is to level the playing field and regain control. Modern man's Earth habitation has been
6000 years or so. A tiny slice of a time of Intelligence and Reason.

176. Creativity and imagination are found through compassion and selflessness, but greed and selfishness define the dark side. Good vs Evil.

177. If a feat cannot be executed by humankind, it is deemed impossible. The ego refuses to acknowledge the inadequacy of ability and just doesn't know how to perform the task. This arrogance denies many things simply because they cannot be explained. The fact that knowledge is deficient isn't even considered.

178. An image can instantly provide a message. An apparent single symbol can in
'reality' be an essay to a mind capable of understanding it. Hieroglyphs are an example. Crop circles another.

179. Models of today are still models to viualise or conceptualise an idea. Models change, but the target does not. A molecule of molecular oxygen can be considered to be diatomic, yet it has never changed. Just the way it is pictured. Models appear to work though that proves nothing. Proof is not necessary or possible as long as the model explains concepts, but it has to be realised that another idea based on the model could be very
wrong or misleading as a result of an error in the model.

180. The essence of all knowledge is the transfer of accurate and undistorted information. The written and spoken word are simply the methods of communication. Imagery is created both internally and from outside influence. The objective mind can filter out disortion, but subjective behaviour can be easily subverted and corrupted.

181. The
'creation' of the Universe amounts to purely speculative and philosophical argument. It is pointless to even attempt to imagine something the mind is not capable of conceiving. The imagination only functions in a limited 3D fashion. The Necker Cube exemplifies this limitation. Seeing the front and back of an object truly simultaneously.

182. The physical body is just the device. It is not even the brain that makes a human, though it controls the device and where it goes. But something untangible... the thoughts. Electrical charge between the
trillions of interconnections. What constitutes the individual?

183. If you
'know' something to be right it doesn't have to be internally argued to be a justifiable belief. If just is. It is why some individuals can act in an unconscionable way that repulses others.

184. The creative through intelligence and experience will find a way, the rest will simply take.
185. Periods of rest allow the brain time to reorganise information and discard the unimportant, which illustrates the importance of sleep-time. A slow pace of life facilitates a continual process during the hours of wakefullness and provides a more restfull period of sleep as there is less residual information to manage.

186. Some may view decency as being submissive.

187. For there to be a beginning demands that there is an end. This promotes the concept of past, present, future. Memory is a collection of non-contiguous 'nows' and progress is seen as forward and therefore improvement. Devices may become more complex and sophisticated, yet attitudes can remain unchanged in the 'past'. The cyclical nature of many things can camouflage 'change' and so disguise it as progression, but what goes around... Progress in this sense can be backward assuming linearity, but this is impossible to detect. In this way, old methods are rediscovered though without appreciating that attitudes can be unchanging. Linearity is a dangerous concept.

188. It is only this morning that I have really understood why my attitude and values have changed so much over the last 10 or so years. In many ways it has been rather subtle, but in others very dramatic. When I stopped drinking nearly 20 years ago, it was a 'day at a time'. That way of thinking is still very much with me and I feel I was preparing to manage my next task. That continues to be with me every day. I have become very spiritual, but not religious.

189. A genetic predisposition does not necessarily condemn an individual to a particular condition. A potential alcoholic cannot become one if alcohol is avoided. It's a potential only.

190. Challenging 'authority' is often viewed as a rebellious nature. It can simply be challege and non-compliance until explanation is satisfactory.

191. The mixing of science and religion. This depends on the understanding of what constitutes faith and belief. The biblical definition of God can easily be viewed as an extraterrestrial (not of this Earth). Science is simply a factual explanation based on certain accepted theories and observations. These enable accurate predictions to be made that support and reinforce theory thus strengthening supposition making it more factually credible. Science and religion can be mixed. But what defines 'religion'? God isn't a requirement though a 'belief' is necessary.

192. Any desire can be rationalised by the 'reward' of dopamine. A particular desire for one person can be repugnant to another, but the mechanism is still dependent on the same biological protocols. Being aware of such different attitudes creates more understanding, though can never excuse such behaviours.

193. The square root of 2 is not possible to quantify with an absolute solution. Irrational numbers. A solution must exist since the diagonal across a 1*1 square can be drawn. Just not quantified. This shows the inadequacies and limitations of mathematics as a descriptive procedure.

194. Mathematics like statistics can tell many stories, yet all can be distortions of truth.The concept of past, present and future is fundamental to human thinking and demonstrates its limitations. Mathematicians can 'play' with numbers to produce sophisticated arguments that are meaningless. Except to other mathematicians. It's then simple to accuse anybody challenging a new theorem of ignorance because they don't understand the 'logic' used. It's like talking in Martian. It can't be tested unless you understand Martian. But the language cannot exist and so defines just pure nonsense. And you would need to be a Martian.

195. A "gene linked to mental illness makes people more creative" exposes a belief. A definition of mental balance. That to be creative requires some amount of mental illness. This defines the attitude that the majority is always in the right, but the consensus can be deluded. The 'mentally stable' are by definition not creative.

196. The population continues to grow and land is running out as is water to sustain life. Food has its substitutes, but water is unique. Instead of spending $£billions on space exploration that in no way can benefit the entire global population, only the few who would then exploit any 'finds'having used public money to further private objectives, the water-based areas constitute70%. Ideally, creation of land that is made using NaCl and to somehow generate water. Increases in salinity could then be contained. Prison Earth has still captured the global population. Trapped on planet Earth. Movement may still be freer than within a small prison cell, but being trapped is still confinement.

197. The mixing of science and religion. This depends on the understanding of what constitutes faith and belief. The biblical definition of God can easily be viewed as an extraterrestrial (not of this Earth). Science is simply a factual explanation based on certain accepted theories and observations. These enable accurate predictions to be made that support and reinforce theory thus strengthening supposition making it more factually credible. Science and religion can be mixed.

198. Any desire can be rationalised by the 'reward' of dopamine. The particular desire for one can be repugnant to another. The mechanism is still dependent on the same biological protocols. Understanding such different attitudes becomes more understandable, though not excusing such behaviours.

199. The square root of 2 or 22/7 is not possible to quantify with a solution. Irrational numbers. A solution must exist since the diagonal across a 2*2 square can be drawn. This shows the inadequacies and limitations of mathematics.


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