Pyramid Philosophical

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Small Bites: 001 - 099

1. Confidently maintain the first lie, however implausible, without change. More likely to be believed than when flitting about between various possibilities. The maintenance of a completely false, but unchanging, argument has a greater chance of being believed.

2. It's not infallible, but how common it is that the rise to the top requires the attitude of the 'bastard': the position of power over others in nearly all corporate scenarios. Rarely, decency and respect shine through. It can happen, but it's rare. The rest sell themselves to being controlled to attain a position of... control.

  • The illusion of 'getting on' which is, of course, actually becoming a bigger and better bastard. More effective. It cannot improve anything, but only make things worse. Always. Pathetic behaviour by 'leaders'. Bullies. The biggest bastard is always the best bully. That low life masquerading as important.
The novice is usually less subtle, but a bastard is still a bastard and on it goes both up and down the greasy pole.

3. The unbalanced game of chess: the game involves just a few power players on the board with roughly
7bn (7000m) pawns. The power play only concerns the few while the rest pay 'in blood'. Nothing new here, but more 'facts' come 'out of the shadows' into the ever brightening spotlight.

  • Time is running out for the wealthy few as they run for cover and without protection. Desperation reveals itself by the ever tightening screw of surveillance and spying by government. Misappropriation of control by state security: police 'service' changes. Resources are finite, just changing hands until there's no more to move around. What happens then?
The holders of all the wealth will then start the real in-fighting. At the moment, the minority of the wealth holders watch the majority struggle as they increase their wealth. The reverse will happen. The wealth won't change hands (there is no wealth), but the upperhand will change.

4. The comment
'thinking big' is ridiculously small-minded. Thinking conceptually BIG will often receive totally negative comments about realism. This should demonstrate how small are some concepts of 'big-thinking'. Imagine the tiny Earth beside Jupiter and then against the Sun. The bright disc of the Sun is 400 times further away from the Earth yet appears to be a similar size. Quite deceiving? Yet this gives a description of size difference, but is still a conceptual problem. The difficulty many have is the limitations of their imagination. The conception and comprehension of what is really BIG.

If it cannot be conceived, it is not possible or so it would seem. But something inconceivable does not make that something impossible.

5. For whatever reason, slow and carefully considered ideas are like travelling slowly. Much more is observed that could easily be overlooked by trying to get somewhere quickly. It's just another aspect, or symptom, of the
inverted pyramid.

6. Thinking in a different way, a new mindset, is similar to living in a country that has a different language. As it is learned, the new language becomes established as the
'norm'. It's conditioning in another sense and becoming used to new concepts and paradigm shifts.

New thinking is then an established mentality.

7. The concept of
'switching off' simply disconnects actions and the consequences of those actions. Interference by the 'conscience' slows down progress. The brain without its right-side, or effectively complete left dominance, demonstrates how some behave. Selfishness and greed are definitions of the left-side and is the reason why left dominance makes such behaviour possible. It is quite normal for those without the balance of left and right.

8. Creativity and capitalism can never mix. The former makes something from nothing, but the latter requires something to begin with. An idea is free. It is a gift from the creative. The product from this creation may be financial and is the exploitation by the capitalist of the creative.

  • An actor becomes rich and famous, though on the back of the creator of the original idea. It's essentially parasitic though it takes a good actor to accurately portray the character or provide action. A kind of symbiosis. Anonymous stunt people and doubles can provide the illusion of real action, but at best play a distant fiddle to 'the name'.

9. Familiarity creates the filter that renders you 'blind'. Much like repeating a lie often enough to eventually become what is accepted as truth. Twisting or spinning reality.

  • The overview allows a better understanding, and hence see the pitfalls, than the tunnel vision of detail. Entrenched in detail hides the plan. Insurance companies work this principle in the rejection of claims. No single person is allowed to see the truth because of restricted vision.

10. Thinking
'outside the box' has no rules. No constraints. Total freedom of conceptual thinking. If the maths don't work, then the wrong method is being used. Newton is identified as the 'creator' of calculus and was 'invented' and used as a means to an end. The concept came first.

11. Speed reading and the shape of words. The detail of the letters isn't necessary to scrutinise. The brain subconsciously works through the picture to integrate this detail. Speed readers get as much without scanning this detail as readers who slow down the whole process by consciously examining each word. The shape is important, but the detail is not. It's like recognising a cliff for what it is without the need to study each crevice.

12. If you do not understand the science behind the advice, then you should at least try to find out more about it. Otherwise there is likely to be either denial or a blind acceptance. Both attitudes can be very dangerous.

  • Informed judgement will be better.

13. The illusion of earlier maturity: simply exposure to similar circumstances at different ages.

14. A high intellect and a wide range of knowledge doesn't imply good quality judgement and decision making. Either impartial or unbiased. It's the logical relationships that blend the two.

15. Chemicals to improve the mind and drugs to enable the body to respond to the brain's instruction. Distorted action-reaction system.

  • The mind is corrupted by the feedback from the affected body and such distorted thoughts cannot improve the physical and mental health of the organ itself.

16. What is achievement? How is success measured? Is it to be the wealthiest or the most creative or a blend of the two? Is it to be a contented parent, happy for yourself and your children? Is such happiness derived from your offsprings' achievements? And how is that measured?

  • Real happiness is a state of mind. Not anyone else's expectation other than your own. To satisfy your own ambition in life set by yourself without influence except from internal thoughts. If you feel content then you are content and it's absolutely nothing to do with others' expectations. There's the dilemma: with no influence other than your own.

17. The
'controversy' about Channel 4's The Great Global Warming Swindle leads to a potentially dangerous situation: the 'scientfic consensus' is the only opinion that counts. The 'correct' answer whether it's right or wrong. The whole point is that an alternative view was aired that is not the ‘approved’ version. That has to be good for balance otherwise dogma will set in. No doubt. There are a number of other factors that are rarely mentioned and in so doing amounts to a supression of the facts. Possibly deliberate.

  • The public should only be informed of accepted and approved dogma. Sounds like you will accept that the Earth is the centre of the universe. Or else.

Arrogance has no place in science. An opinion is just that. Based on the same information,
ALL THE INFORMATION, a different interpretation of all these facts can produce a different outcome. In the same way that legal argument can be selective in reviewing only favourable 'facts'.

  • Ignoring or suppressing? Same thing. Creating misinformation to tell a lie. Belief systems are being created to enhance the feeling of fear and hopelessness. It's a curtain drawn over reality. It's not actually there, but only imagined. The public should be given ALL the facts. Of course, they won't be. The TRUTH would then be clearly seen and that cannot be allowed to happen.

Professor Carl Wunsch was "totally misled" allegedly into denying global warming and that humanity's CO2 was NOT to blame. This combination of concepts is designed to trap objective thinking into dogma. Connecting global warming with man's excessive CO2 production.

  • This totally ignores the evidence of earlier periods of global warming (and cooling) before man started to burn fossil fuels. This doesn't favour the political argument whether it's pure conservation or, more likely, based on money. Alternative views must be disclosed to the public to promote balance.

But scientists
cannot be seen to have doubt. Absolute assertion can be the only approach whether it's right or wrong.

  • Wunsch: "It [the programme] was distorted. I'm the one who has been swindled."

Comments like that do sound more like a bruised ego talking rather than being objective.

  • Professor Peter Cox (University of Exeter, Climate System Dynamics) states: "I am hopeful that most of the UK public remain convinced of reality climate change."

reality of climate change isn't at the centre of the argument, but the causes of the change. Why it is happening?

18. Never see oneself as others do and this is a reason why photos always appear strange. This is how we
don't see ourselves.

19. When talking about an
emotive issue, it generally becomes a subjective condition, but written argument allows a more objective view. There is more time for consideration.

  • "You don't like the way I objectively argue my case and that is your entire subjective objection? My method? Explain your objections, not just that you object. You must provide your reasons. Your arguments to persuade."

20. A radioactive element could be stable in a non-terrestrial (alien) environment. Unknown elements may even exist elsewhere that could never survive on Earth or the 'local' solar system. Knowledge is only what has been learned in our environment. What exists somewhere else can only be
speculated and the limits of imagination are the only constraints.

An element with an atomic weight of
500 could never exist on Earth, but that doesn't mean such an element doesn't exist. Even within places of intense heat and pressure on Earth (at the core). It could never be known as accessing and releasing this element from such an environment would destroy it. Properties of compounds made using unknown elements would not necessarily need to exist on Earth to facilitate an impossible chemical reaction on Earth.

  • The product of such a reaction may survive on Earth, but could not be synthesised on Earth as the catalyst or enzyme doesn't exist. Couldn't exist.

21. Abortion: the growing foetus that is destroyed if allowed to live to full term and flourish after birth may have become the next 'Einstein'. Or an inventor who saves the human race or rescues the world from human activity. The child as the product of rape is objectively a mixture of DNA that wouldn't have happened by choice. Subjectively, the child is unwanted by association to the method of conception. Understandable, but the loss to the human race could be immense.

  • The selection of a mate simply for conception, or use of an anonymous donor, is not much adrift from physical rape except that choice, based only on subjective assessment, is involved. The perception of a suitable partner by examining a test-tube is absolutely absurd. Bad choices will always be made, but a perceived bad choice may result in a very positive outcome.

22. The
human genome is similar enough across all humans to build a creature with the same basic structure. One split brain inside the head, two arms and two legs and all the other organs. But some minor errors happen that lead to major effects.

  • The subtle effects like different appearance have nothing to do with what can be learnt if the brain itself has no defects. This is within the realm of experience. The acquisition of information.

23. Conscience is within the domain of consciousness itself and is a characteristic of sentience. Awareness. Humans that do not appear to possess a conscience are not in receipt of higher mental powers. A deficiency (of something non-physical) in the brain.

  • Science needs to identify an area responsible for every function. The overall functioning of lesser intellectual areas that do not require any thought input are easy to find. The areas that deal with more complex thoughts and decisions are less easy and some very subtle concepts like the 'guilty conscience' or 'reward' do not actually exist. They are a spin-off from other areas and not places of their own. The combined effects create the 'spiritual'.

  • This gives individuality and confers humanity as a characteristic.

24. There is a major
(misguided) assumption that the unknown universe has the same composition to the known universe. Inside the closed-box-type thinking.

25. Is it another reason fish are good swimmers in water, but humans are not because the medium is the evolution environment?

26. Short-term thinking means do it today and again tomorrow and again the next day and so on. Long-term planning is to do something just once.

"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."

Homer Simpson
(Matt Groening)

28. Words in themselves do not stimulate, but the imagary behind them does. Concentration can wander from the path of the words and into the picture.

29. Map of a personal World. The personal view through one's own eyes and thoughts are unique. It can never emulate or allow an appreciation of another's unique view.

  • Awareness of this avoids dominance.


I may not agree with what you say,
but I defend your right to say it

31. Children are born to more mature adults. Somehow life becomes more complex as maturity sets in. Does life become more complex or does it just seem so? Or do we just make it more complicated?

  • Children survive alongside adults unaware of these complications of life.

32. The
'feel' of a new action can be illustrated by dental work. A crown or filling will leave biting or closing the mouth 'feel' as though the newly shaped tooth no longer fits properly. After a few days the tooth has become a better fit. The tooth is hard, yet clearly something has happened. Almost unconsciously a new muscle movement has been learned that 'feels' right. The original motion has been replaced with a modified movement that accommodates the reshaped tooth. New muscle movements have been integrated perfectly. So it is with any changes or corrections. Initially, it never 'feels' right, but becomes the new norm. Most activities are never forced like a reshaped tooth inside the mouth and are never re-learned.

Talent and intelligence are not linked. An artist need not be academically gifted. A mathematician doesn't need to draw.

34. The values of parents are pushed onto their children who have no concept of their meaning. These belong to others. This instills an emptiness since no origins of the value can be understood. They are inhertited and so are meaningless.

35. Achievement: do you live to make money or make money to live? Some believe that success comes from achieving wealth and is the only reason for living. Money is a man-made concept yet this provides the reason for living. The reason? Death comes after being
'successful' in learning precisely nothing. A lifetime spent doing nothing except making money, but always at someone elses expense and that is the definition of a parasite. Adds nothing to the summation of human knowledge.

36. Language must be present to internally vocalise thoughts. This transfers ideas and concepts to a part of the brain that deals with them. Language is essential. Without it, no sentience can develop.

37. A sense of awareness is necessary to be able to respect others' viewpoint. Excessively loud music can annoy those others and the perpetrator remains totally ignorant of the psychological damage being inflicted.

38. Can never be all things to all men and can realistically only attempt to affect the very local area. Those close by. This equates to thinking smaller, but much more effectively.


40. The concept of
Sniffing In Stereo: some known optical isomers are detected differently by the olfactory organs. Shape creates the difference. The two nostrils are the commonly 'doubled-up' entry channels that allow access by inhaled air to these organs. The left/right discrimination happens at the sense organ and not in the route to it.

41. The concept of
'gut feeling' seems to involve a mysterious inner knowledge. It is possible that a consciously forgotten connection exists that is still recognised as a subconscious effect. The subconscious can 'know' certain material features that may have been overlooked. Some events are not originally acknowledged and so cannot be forgotten as they were never known. Some occurrences are consciously forgotten, but remain in memory as 'forgotten', though are known facts. These are the memories of 'gut feel'.

42. Has Darwin killed God? Darwin was real, but God is imaginary. The death of the image presupposes God existed.

43. Whether an individual lives to be
100 years of age before death supervenes or 10 years old, unless death prepares for some kind of higher existence, the result is the same. The actual life span would appear to be irrelevant, but the acquired number of experiences and their quality is very subjective. Is a small number of high quality experiences any better than many low quality experiences? But what constitutes a good or poor experience? Upon death there can be no awareness of that event. It is the final experience that provides no awareness. It will happen with no involvement of the expiring individual. A paradoxical description: to be dead. To exist in a state of deadness. Death of the individual without the individual being present.

44. Some would have it that getting old is like acquiring some sort of awful disease. Age with good health is the peak of human existence. Wisdom can only come with age. An old head must exist with an old body. The combination is wonderful. To be young is to be incomplete. To be old is to have experiences. Good and bad form the amalgam of the life essence.

45. Different cultures and languages have developed with similar words, concepts and themes. This defines human nature is universal. Selfishness with greed are on the other face of the coin that carries fairness and sharing.

46. Jelousy has its roots in confidence or rather the lack of it. Strong confidence engenders trust.

47. There's no such luxury as new knowledge, only rediscoverd fact.

48. The meek shall inherit the Earth: an allusion to creatures and insects. The sophisticated and sentient Man will destroy himself.

49. An unfertilised human egg cell
(gamete): who or what might it have been? Where does personality come from? Is it inherent in the egg cell? Is it just a potential character that evolves as the life form evolves and develops? DNA from both parents is introduced to the egg to 'start it off'?

50. Behaviours evolve by being copied and learned. Genetic inheritance involves physical genome copying, but copied inheritance is through learning. The patterns of behaviour that bring perceived success will be copied. This can be very subtle and receive the wrong result if the blend of the approach mixture is wrong. Aggression or assertiveness will get different reactions. The subjugated will behave one way, but a free-thinker will reject pressure. Similar principle to genes working with other genes. It is a complex mix.

51. You cannot remain in the present as a thought is continued. The start of the thought is in the past and evolves into the future (the ever current present). The original thought will be completed in the future, relative to the start of the thought. The thought will evolve in time and may have a life-span of only seconds, yet it has been born in the past, it has lived and finally died in the future. All this is the evolving present.

52. Left/right evolution. Left is ruthless, greedy. Acquisition of wealth is prime objective above all else. Help none other than self. Right is compassionate. Socially elevated. Help everyone. Guardian angel ethic.

53. The brain is the organ to acknowledge pain, yet has no capability of feeling physical pain itself.

54. Do you have to be heroic to do the right thing? Take the right action. Attempt to save a drowning person if you can swim. Should a drowning person be allowed to drown because they never learned to swim?

55. An idea that cannot be conceived does not make it impossible. The definition of a problem has to be the precursor of understanding the problem. Front and back images smeared to create a composite, but meaningless even if it can be done.

56. Looking out into the universe is the same as looking inward. Simultaneously the macro and microscopic. Reduce your size relative to your surroundings and you will create your universe. Moving within electron pathways (planets). The Sun is the relative centre, but it is moving too.

57. Mathematics is the prison. To develop theory there has to be a model. If the model cannot be conceived there can be no maths. It is meaningless. A paradox. Think outside the box, but cannot refute that which cannot be proved. Does God exist?

58. A rabbit or bird can
'see' in front and behind covering more than 180 degrees. A Human sees in front over about 100 degrees and can create a 3D image as a composite, but what does the rabbit/bird actually 'see'? Two separate 2D images without depth - ie monocular. And how are they perceived? Are they independent images, one in each half of the brain (left-to-right/right-to-left?) or are they somehow formed into a composite? And what would that look like? The evolutionary tale is that the successful bird is the one with the sharpest eyesight. Genetically, this will promote good vision via the DNA trait being maintained. Owls have binocular vision. Rods are sensitive to light and cones are for colour. Humans have about 200,000 rods/sq mm, hunting birds about 1000,000. Humans about 10,000 cones/sq mm, humming birds (among smallest birds) over 120,000.

59. Spiritual/physical body. A concept to explain different dimensions and physically being trapped on Earth.

60. Einstein relatives: the idea that to build on already proven fact is a reasonable hypothesis can be shown to be
wrong. An observer may see the motion of an object appearing to rotate in circular fashion about a centre point. If the distance of the object to the centre point is constant then one complete revolution will take the object back to its starting point. Not necessarily. If the object also moves away at some angle out of line with the plane, then the observer will not perceive the spiral trajectory of the object.

61. All cultures have their gods. Representations differ, but they all refer to the same source. Christian, Islam... all the same, but viewed and described differently and independently. So, no god is better than any other. They are the same. The brainwashing and mind control is so complete that faith and beliefs are unshakeable. Such beliefs that are based on nothing but... belief. People will kill and go to war for a
'simple' belief based on... nothing. It would seem that humans can be so blind. Stupid. Believing selectively anything that will supports these 'beliefs'. And rejecting for no reason anything that requires explanation that cannot be given. The need to believe. In something. Anything. God. Gold.

62. Aware of all colours at the same time. Not like the rainbow: separate pure colours, one at a time. All together. And
'feel' much more. It is a sensitivity more than simple awareness.

63. The same way indoctrination occurs for total subservience to a god. Religion. The religion is money. The sole aim in life is to amass wealth. Anyhow. If you can't make it then take it. That's how it happens. Stealth and theft. The
BIG money. The so-called 'BIG players'.

64. Simply: God was a primitive solution to answer the impossible. We don't know now even basic answers. What about
2000 years ago!

65. A pyramid: the higher you go, the less there is to do and the less materials necessary to complete it.

66. Cellular life not existing without previous cellular life runs down the same road of thinking as about the origins of the universe. And the same ultimate dead-end. The
Big Bang and all that. But where did the material and energy come from? Where did space come from? Back to square one. Full circle and going nowhere! Think 'outside the box'.

67. The thinking that a molecule or two can be formed from methane and... a high-energy electrical spark has inspired the mind-set to look down this avenue. Pure coincidence and an example of making the facts fit the hypothesis. Wrong place. Enough monkeys and typewriters... No. It's like building a computer starting with nothing more than a trace of solder - tin. A ridiculous notion. No amount of time could ever be enough. It could never happen, but your brightest scientific community latches onto this bizarre idea. There's little else. Any project that leads somewhere has a plan. Intellectually created with purpose. Random effects can happen, but only in very simple instances. Complex outcomes won't just... 'happen'.

68. Pure energy. Pure thought is energy. The source? Your limitation again. The way you think. The inter-conversion of one thing into another. There is no reason for this to happen. To be necessary. Think of your dynamo. It generates energy. Thought is like this through self-perpetuation. The more you think the longer you will
'live'. Not in the way you see life. It's how your thinking limits where you look.

Back to the idea of where life can exist. Life-forms like yours. Yes. A chance effect? No. The solar system was created to allow your physical form to develop. It was influenced by extra-terrestrials. An alien: not of this world. They need some form of physical embodiment for their plans. Ironically, the way they see their 'future' requires a physical presence. That's really strange. Backward almost. But they are still an evolving form, somewhere between human and spiritual energy. Confused and still obsessed with greed. It's how they've evolved. It's there way. It's what they are.

It's not easy to convey this concept: we do not want to influence a life-form to be like us. But it all threatens the space-time continuum. This multi-dimensional place we all exist in. In our own ways. We need to stabilise our environment. We have no desire to select one life-form over another to live on and another to die out. That will happen without us. Without you. Yet we cannot stand by and watch the rout of an existence. You will change given time. A lot of time. So we just want to help to extend you existence.

Angels only accompany those who have existed for a long while. Advanced, but not there yet. Still a lot to understand.

Angels become a presence at some later stage in life - the awakening. When guidance becomes evident. The Lost find their way.

73. The continuum of Time is a major problem. There is a present, so there must be a past and a future. What just happened is a past event and the consequence a future happening. Events continue in a parallel sense. The idea of a parallel universe or three or more, just a small leap in logic, but overturn all concepts. It is
'impossible' to do this.

The Universe as it is perceived is based on energy. Until you become part of this energy, you cannot move on. Evolve. Real advancement, not the minor changes demonstrated over millions of years. Trapped on your planet.

75. The
'past' continues. It has simply moved into a parallel dimension that can no longer be seen. But it still exists. The 'future' has already happened - you move into that dimension. It is the 'present' for where you are at that moment. That 'moment' implies a past/present/future. No. The concept of Time and Space is not right. It is fundamentally wrong.

76. Until you rethink your
'beliefs' - it's what they are - you will never reach your 'answers'. There are no answers because you're asking the wrong 'question'. Shift as in the paradigm. You cannot see how things really are unless you move your position. Think of classic illusions and how easy it is to fool the Human mind and intellect.

77. The growing use of the concept of retrospection will get you thinking in the right way. The
'past' becomes the 'present'. It's a start and is the way 'forward'.

That's an incredible arrogance, but you cannot be blamed for that. I understand. See it this way: it's like I am looking at a child who believes he knows it all. As a human parent you will be familiar with this concept. You understand that the child is just that: a child. And cannot actually know the things that you do. That's your logic. That you have to have an experience that creates the memory on which to go forwards. Your sense of time. Past, present and future. That's another idea and would confuse what I am trying to explain to you here.

79. Restricting the capability of your development or evolution makes you like a chicken. A bird with wings that cannot fly. Potentially it ought to be able, but the muscle fibre does not allow it - fibrinogen?

80. Conventional wisdom is that the limitation of speed is how you can accelerate something. This has to be the reaction pushing against something or the use of gravity. Thrust is limited by the speed of the thrust. The opposite reaction can never be greater that the reaction itself. Hence your limit.

When and if you could ever get to where you want, how do you get knowledge back to Earth? What's the purpose? Maybe you'll be lucky and discover some item of knowledge. Something useful that begs a question, but useful to whom? And who cares? Most people struggle through life and couldn't care less about what is happening around them. It's either too complicated or so far from their realm of consciousness that it is truly of no interest.

The frustration you are heading for is absolute. Nowhere to go and no means of ever getting there. And for no real reason other that the search for knowledge itself. Rather pointless. And you global culture always wanting targets to be met. Progress? To where? It's still this drive towards wealth and more wealth. It won't get you anywhere.

Even if you could reach it you couldn't see what you're looking for. You wouldn't even recognise it for what it is. It's so simple and obvious and you can't reach or see it. Think outside the box. Have the courage to be seen as a tad mad!

84. The denial of life (murder) to chase pleasure. Abortion semantics to justify killing -
'termination'. The growing life begins at the moment of conception and the arguments rage of whether life actually begins at 24 weeks. Or 23 weeks. Or 25 weeks. Give or take a day. Just how early life can be sustained artificially while gestation continues outside the womb. This defines killing for convenience. The unknown, yet predicted, 'quality of life' decisions to justify 'termination', could result in a human race rescue mission never happening. Attitudes prevail that a non-perfect body mustn't survive regardless of the mind that may be born. Hedonism.

85. What constitutes a life? An enzyme supports life by selectively enabling systems to function properly. A virus is simply a protein (peptide) mix. A bacterium can move, but is it life?

86. Dreams: the conscious input does not happen. There is no voluntary part to the playing out of a dream. Remembered fragments do not make sense or provide continuity. Like reading every other page in a book. So much is missing that sense itself is lost. In any lengthy wakeful time before sleep, much information comes in via the senses. Unimportant information within the next few moments. Coming up to a hazard is of no further importance once the hazard has gone by. Some information is critical for survival. To be retained and learned. Dreams allow sifting all this information. To lose it or keep it.

87. Dependency: however small a dependency on a previous event it has a definite effect.
The butterfly effect. This as opposed to true randomness. No dependency at all. Consider chaos theory and the Saros cycle.

88. What constitutes a planet? Liquid cores? As opposed to a rock or meteor.

The physical body can be made ready for the spirit. That which provides personality. The soul of character. A defect in the genome can cause an effect to the entire integral mind/body combination.

90. The brain loses something and no longer controls the body. The body dies. The brain no longer can sustain being functional and technically dies. The human is dead, but something was lost before the process of death can occur. The spirit? The soul?

91. The brain contains no pain sensitive nerves, yet headaches are felt. What are they then? What is pain?

92. The brain's subsystems look after subconscious and
'running' the body (engine). The involuntary activities. Higher functions deal with conscious, voluntary, activities. Thought. The directions given to the engine.

93. A logical
'thought' is essentially linear. Subjective 'thinking' is multidirectional. Inputs from many sources constitute such 'thinking'. It is the reason that computers can never [at today's state of advancement] mimic a human brain. It is nothing like multi-tasking. The fast switching between linear 'thoughts'. It is a hybrid effect reached by activating many sources at the same time. 2D (linear) vs 3D (spherical) architecture.

94. Life comes from life. Where did the first life-form come from? Where did matter come from as a similar argument? No answer. Just acceptance. We're here aren't we?

95. The eyes of a male or female both see the same size object at the same size. There is no difference and therefore no influence caused through the size difference. Are women's eyes smaller than those of a male?

96. Looking only in your own backyard, as it's all you can do, does not provide sufficient information to then make the irrational leap into universal fact.

97. A repeated stimulus to short term memory moves the memory to a more permanent long term memory. This applies to learning and sensitisation/habituation.

98. What is the distinction between influence and guidance?

99. Those who say
"trust me" can't be trusted. Trustworthy people would not need to precede any statement with such a comment. These liars are easy to detect. The more difficult ones are those aware of this and so don't use such preparation of what comes next. They are counselled by 'experts'. The psychologists are well versed in communication.


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