Pyramid Philosophical

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Unaware Alien

Genetic change over time and the associated genetic effects on consciousness may render the individual unaware of what he is. He may be behaving to further the interests of an alien without even realising it. The integration of an alien into the Human species. The making of a hybrid, but dominated by the alien form.

It has long been suggested (in fantasy, of course) that we, Humans, are living with aliens among us. Actual alien forms in disguise. Beings in powerful positions just looking like humans and that such aliens know who they are.

We could even be that alien hybrid.

Do not be seduced by our perception of time and what is a long time. A thousand years could be just a moment to another consciousness. What happens when someone (very, very gradually) wakes from a coma after several years? What is it like to come around from an operation hours or days later?

It seems only a moment, doesn't it?


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